
I may not be familiar with .mem files but memory forensics, and more specifically volatility seems like its going to be our friend here.

Starting with volatility -f image.mem imageinfo we get Win7SP1x64 as our top suggested profile, providing confirmation that we’ve got a valid dump.

Using one of volatility’s coolest features we can use mkdir shots && volatility -f image.mem --profile=Win7SP1x64 screenshot --dump-dir=shots to get the following wire-frame screenshot from memory. Now we know that the flag was probably open in Notepad, given the hint “There wasn’t any suspicious network activity or anything… it’s almost as if they just had their passwords up right on the screen.”

volatility wire-frame screenshot

To grab the contents from Notepad we’ll want to first find it’s PID and then get a memory dump of said process to analyse.

volatility -f image.mem --profile=Win7SP1x64 pslist

Offset(V)           Name                    PID   PPID   Thds     Hnds   Sess  Wow64 Start                        \
------------------ -------------------- ------ ------ ------ -------- ------ ------ ------------------------------
0xfffffa8000dd0060 notepad.exe            2696   2288      4      309      1      0 2021-03-20 17:59:34 UTC+0000\

volatility -f image.mem --profile=Win7SP1x64 memdump --dump-dir=./ -p 2696

Unfortunately volatility doesn’t seem have a handy plugin to give us whatever text was written into Notepad, so we’ll just have to search the resultant dump for any strings that might be part of the flag.

cat 2696.dmp | strings | grep UMASS

No luck, a few more greps later and its pretty clear that either the flag’s not there or its encoded in format that would make it difficult to find by simply searching through strings.

From here a bit of intuition and luck might lead you to the idea that the user may have copied the flag from Notepad onto their clipboard …

volatility -f image.mem --profile=Win7SP1x64 clipboard

Session    WindowStation Format                         Handle Object             Data                                              
---------- ------------- ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ --------------------------------------------------
         1 WinSta0       CF_UNICODETEXT               0x5a00b5 0xfffff900c26aeb60   VU1BU1N7JDNDVVIzXyQ3MFJhZzN9Cg==                  
         1 WinSta0       CF_TEXT              0x64006e00000010 ------------------                                                   
         1 WinSta0       0x13c01b7L                        0x0 ------------------                                                   
         1 WinSta0       CF_TEXT                           0x1 ------------------                                                   
         1 ------------- ------------------          0x13c01b7 0xfffff900c06fa270 

… and you’d be right, we got some data! Judging by that padding it’s base64 encoded. Decoding it gives us the flag UMASS{$3CUR3_$70Rag3} 🥳